Interior Painting Techniques

Interior painting transforms indoor spaces into aesthetically pleasing environments. This specialized process requires the right painter, proper surface preparation, and accurate application for lasting beauty and protection.

When you hire a professional, they will comprehensively review your space before beginning work. This includes examining the furniture and any hardware that may need covering or protecting and taking note of any repairs that need to be made. Click to learn more.


Ombre is a color trend that has been popular in many aspects of life. It’s seen in fashion, hair, nails, baking, and even home improvement projects. When done well, ombre can create a very stylish look for your walls. Whether you want to add a hint of color or create a dramatic effect, this painting technique is sure to impress.

Before you start painting, make sure that your work area is clean and protected. Protect the floors with drop cloths and remove any light fixtures, outlet covers or switch plates from the wall. You’ll also want to cover any furniture that can’t be moved easily with a plastic drop cloth. Then, wipe down or dust the walls to get rid of any dirt or oil that may prevent the paint from adhering.

Next, choose the colors that you’ll be using for your ombre design. It’s best to use similar shades of the same color for a subtle effect, but you can try contrasting colors for a bolder finish. Once you’ve chosen your colors, consult a color wheel to see how they will blend together. Analogous colors (those that sit next to each other on the wheel) will blend naturally, while contrasting colors will need more blending to achieve a smooth transition.

Then, begin by painting the wall with the lightest shade of your chosen color. After it dries, move on to the next section of the wall and paint that with your middle shade. Once both of these sections are painted, use a brush to blend the colors together. Be sure to use a crisscross motion, and don’t let the paints dry completely.

Once the blending is completed, remove any tape from the trim and ceiling. Then, touch up any areas where the colors have not blended properly with a smaller brush and matching paint. Remove the plastic drop cloth and any furniture, and your room is ready for use! If you notice any lingering paint smell, leave the windows open to allow it to dissipate. Now, enjoy your new ombre wall!

Stenciling is a creative way to decorate walls or furniture without the expense of wallpaper. It is easy to do and is perfect for people who want to add a personal touch to their living space. There are many stencil patterns to choose from, from florals to mandalas to geometric shapes. You can also use layered stencils to create a unique design.

Before starting a stencil project, you should prepare the surface and make sure it is smooth. This can be done by cleaning the wall, making sure there are no cracks or chips and priming it. Once the wall is prepared, you can then begin painting the pattern using a stencil brush or foam roller. Acrylic paint is recommended for stenciling, as it has good opacity and dries quickly. It is also available in a wide variety of colors and can be used on almost any surface, including canvas, bisque, wood, paper, plaster, leather and fabric. Acrylics are water-based, odorless and clean up easily with soap and water. They are also inexpensive and come in a wide range of sheen levels. There are several products on the market that can be added to acrylics to extend drying time and increase blending.

Once you have your stencil in place, apply a thick application of paint to the surface. Use a stencil brush or 4’’ roller to get into the small spaces. Once you’ve painted a large portion of the wall, you can move on to another section. Repeat the process until most of the wall is covered in your chosen pattern.

It’s important to remember that stenciling takes patience. It’s best to apply only one color at a time and to let each layer dry before adding the next. This will help to prevent bleeding. When you’re finished with your project, be sure to remove the stencil as soon as the paint is completely dry. If you leave it in place too long, the paint will bleed and ruin your design. If you’re a beginner, it may take a little practice to master this technique.

Striping is a timeless interior painting technique that can be incredibly effective in changing the look of a room. It can make a room feel larger, create coziness, or just add an interesting design element. Stripes can also work as a great accent for other types of wall decor, such as murals or molding. The key to getting the most out of this method is planning ahead. Having a clear idea of the layout and coordinating colors will make the entire process much smoother and more efficient.

Begin by priming the walls to give them a clean and smooth base. After the primer has dried, begin by marking off the widths of your stripes with a pencil. It’s best to use a colored pencil for this task as regular graphite marks are difficult to cover and could smudge. Once the lines are marked, tape them off with painter’s tape. Be sure to tape off any trim, windows or doors that you don’t want painted as well. Using low-stick painter’s tape helps to keep the paint from seeping underneath and damaging the wall.

When you are ready to start striping, start at the top of the wall and work your way down. Be sure to work in a well-ventilated area and wear goggles and protective gloves when working with chemicals. If you are painting the ceiling, be sure to take precautions to protect yourself and your belongings. It’s also a good idea to lay down canvas drop cloths below the walls you are working on to reduce the risk of getting paint on them.

Once the stripe lines are taped, it’s time to begin painting. It’s important to be very careful when painting the dark color over the tape line, as any mistakes may show up later. Make sure to press firmly against the tape when painting to ensure a crisp line.

When you’re done, let the paint dry completely before you remove the tape. Then, apply a second coat of the darker color over the stripe zones. Be sure to use a high quality white interior paint such as True Value EasyCare Ultra Premium Interior Paint in an eggshell finish for the best results.

Painting cabinets is a time-consuming project, and it can be challenging to get the lines perfect. Using aluminum foil paint can make the process easier and save you money. The technique is surprisingly simple. All you need is a couple of sheets of standard aluminum foil, some spray paint in your desired color and some liquid latex. Line the cabinetry with the foil, and then spray paint it. After the paint dries, use a scrub brush and some firm pressure to remove any areas where the paint isn’t transferred well. The result is a beautiful, glossy finish that’s sure to impress.

This method is also ideal for those with smaller rooms because the finished product doesn’t take up a lot of space. Foiling can be done over any type of furniture or wall surface, including wood and even brick. If you want to add a pop of color to your room, consider stenciling a design on the walls with metallic foils. This will give the room a contemporary feel that’s both chic and functional.

Foiling is a fun activity to do with kids. It’s a great way to introduce them to painting on a new surface, and it’s also a good opportunity to teach them about colors and mixing shades. They can use any kind of paint brush that’s safe to touch on the slippery foil. Sponge brushes are great, but you can also play around with other items like cotton swabs and Q-tips.

Before you start applying the foil, apply a light mist of water to the surface. Next, apply a thin coat of APS Leaf & Foil Size to the surface using an inexpensive chip/detail brush or foam roller. The sizing will go on white “milky” but once it’s fully dry and tacky, you can apply your metallic gilding or foils. Be careful and rub gently if you’re working on a porous surface because the APS sizing can soak into the material. Seal after you’re done to ensure your metallic finishes last as long as possible.